Tips-Hiring a Female Real Estate Agent- my rainy day post

So in my down time, or when it rains, or basically any time I'm not working or spending time with my kids, I'm researching.  Looking at market trends, homes that have sold recently in the neighborhoods I am working, reading blogs about success in Real Estate, tips on how to stage, sell, negotiate, you get my drift.  Learn and grow.

I was just reading an article from the New York Post with tips on how to sell real estate. It's an article geared towards sellers not agents, but I'm in the researching-reading mood.  I'm also one of those people who don't believe everything I read, so I'll research my research as well.  It can be a tedious, but often rewarding task.

One of the tips; Hire a female agent.

I've never been a girl who thinks that men and women should be equal in EVERYTHING.  Men are naturally physically stronger, and women live longer.  I'm good with that.  Now pay, job positions, cooking, cleaning; equal, equal, equal.

But as a Real Estate Agent?  What makes a woman more qualified than a man?

Most of my research returned the same results.  Women are more meticulous, they pay a higher attention to detail, better at multitasking, understanding budgets, better with design, better at communication, and so on.

But none of that is necessarily true for every woman, and there's absolutely no reason why any of that can't be true for a man.  Especially for someone who works hard to learn those traits.

After digging a little deeper I found this.  It is an article from the Huffington Post about how real estate prices are affected by gender, attractiveness and race.  It focuses on a controlled study that compared physical characteristics of real estate agents.

Their findings; attractive female agents sold houses for more money and profit. Not faster than other less attractive agents, but for more money.

There are more articles that support their claim here, here, and here.

Now with that said, the human brain is a tricky thing.  Did you know that people tend to say 'yes' more to attractive people?  That in art, if someone who loved you were to draw you their depiction would be more attractive than a drawing from a stranger?  That people (men and women) tend to trust men more than women, but that studies have found that men are more often less truthful and straightforward than women.

I'm not going to pretend to be a scientist or a psychologist, but I am a female Real Estate Agent.  I thought this was definitely an interesting read on a rainy day,

-Jean K

RE/MAX Patriot
Realtor #0650939


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